Available Load Cases


developed in cooperation with OSCCAR project

Assessment of accuracy of computational model solving the mathematical problem.
Assessment of the degree to which a computational model is an accurate representation of physics being modelled.
The process of modifying (parameters of) a model or tool to reach a performance target defined beforehand.
The process of official approval that a model and its associated data are acceptable for a specific purpose. Purpose describes the use in an existing procedure, e.g. consumer rating or legislation with Virtual Testing.
Strength of a relationship between two sequences of values.
Goodness of fit:
Assessment of how close two results (curves) are.

General Information

A substantial validation is fundamental to establish credibility in HBMs. However, agreed methods for a user-independent objective validation are missing. The standardisation of such methods presents a great challenge. The setup of most validation load cases require manual manipulation or user’s judgement during initial positioning and are therefore highly subjective. Depending on the load case, some validation environments also require initial settling of the HBM with gravity, followed by exporting the settled geometry to set as the initial position. Consistent execution of these steps requires precise and detailed documentation with step-by-step instructions for the validation environment setup and analysis. The TUC Validation Repository is being developed to provide standardised validation environments and protocols to the HBM community. The Repository is planned to consist of validation kits of state-of-the-art load cases. Each kit comes with the FE model of the validation environment in different crash codes (Abaqus, LS-Dyna, Radioss and VPS), validation parameters in terms of response corridors and a detailed code-dependent protocol of how to use the data for the application of an HBM.


The validation kits were developed in close cooperation within the THUMS USER COMMUNITY (TUC) research project. Any use of the validation environments shall be entirely at the user’s own risk and responsibility. University of Munich (LMU), Adam Opel AG, AUDI AG, Autoliv, BMW AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG, Toyota Motor Corporation and Volkswagen AG do not assume any responsibility for the validity, accuracy, or applicability of any results obtained from this research model and do not assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for any damage, claims, injury or loss of any kind that may arise from or in connection with any use of, reference to and/or reliance upon this manual.

University of Munich (LMU), Adam Opel AG, AUDI AG, Autoliv, BMW AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG, Toyota Motor Corporation and Volkswagen AG ask that the TUC project will be acknowledged under references for any use of this FE model resulting in papers and publications.