THUMS User Meeting of the TUC took place in Marburg

This year the THUMS User Meeting took place one day preceding the carhs Symposium Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering. On November 12, around 35 participants from various application areas met to discuss the use of THUMS.

In a hybrid session, four users presented their research work with the THUMS. Every talk ended in a discussion among the participants: Emanuele Di Meo (rbf Morph srl) talked about a parametric THUMS that can be morphed to different anthropometries using radial basis functions in very little time. Grant Dickey (School of Biomechanical Engineering at Western University, Canada) presented his research work on the topic of commotio cordis in blunt thoracic impacts, for which he used the THUMS v7. Marian Bulla (Altair) gave the meeting participants a detailed overview of the THUMS in Radioss, including ongoing and planned activities. Debasis Sahoo (VW) then reported on the head validation of THUMS v4.1 in the VPS solver, showing application to impact reconstruction and dedicated risk curves.

The second session of the afternoon was used for a discussion with invited stakeholders in the human modelling community. Together with CAERI, Humanetics and all other participants, different perspectives on the use of HBMs in the future, especially with regard to virtual testing, were exchanged.

The TUC would like to thank everyone for their interested participation and lively discussions.

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